24 Hours To Stop Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill

Tomorrow, Uganda’s Parliament is scheduled to take up its “Anti Homosexuality Bill”, a proposed law that is appalling in its inhumanity. The law would execute gays who are considered “serial offenders” and impose life sentences on individuals who engage in a single homosexual act.

Anti-gay Christians, many of them from America, have been at the forefront of this movement, spreading a distorted and hateful version of Christianity.

As friend and ally Frank Mugisha, Executive Director for Sexual Minorities Uganda, has said “The Bill’s supporters have tried to keep it alive, despite national and international condemnation, along with a repeated commitment by President Museveni to not support the Bill coming to the floor for a vote.”

To add your voice to those condemning this proposed law, visit Avaaz.org, which has already gathered over 1.5 million people opposed to this horrific bill. 

Pictured above is David Bahati, who is spearheading this bill in Uganda. 

Image flickr IPS Inter Press Service 
