People Of Faith Mobilize To Defeat NC Anti-LGBT Amendment

Here we go again.

Last week, the North Carolina state legislature passed a proposed anti-LGBT constitutional amendment that would ban any legal relationship recognition for same-sex couples. The amendment now proceeds to the ballot for a statewide vote during the May 2012 primary.

This time, we’re ready.

Believe Out Loud, along with partner organizations within the mainline Protestant Christian community, issued a statement encouraging North Carolinians to defeat the discriminatory amendment.

And local faith leaders are ramping up their own assault on this anti-LGBT effort. More than 600 people of faith and 250 local clergy, including the President of the NC Council of Churches, have signed a petition protesting the amendment. Faith leaders are holding press conferences, prayer vigils and marching in the streets.

As Rev. Richard Edens of the inclusive United Church of Chapel Hill UCC said, “I think there are a growing number of people who want the Constitution to reflect the inclusiveness represented in the Gospel.”

I think he’s right. But it will be essential for us in the coming months to translate our belief to the ballot box and mobilize inclusive North Carolinians to vote against this flagrant attempt to legalize hate.

Believe Out Loud will be working with Equality North Carolina in the coming months to ensure that this amendment is soundly defeated.

Join us. Add your name to ENC’s statement against the amendment and include them in your Facebook community.

Together, we can dismantle discrimination and promote a just and equitable world for all.

Wishing you blessings for a beautiful and rabble-rousing week in the name of equality,

Image flickr Williamor Media 
