The Ordination of Katie Ricks in the PC(USA) Church

We give thanks to God that this is a new day in the Presbyterian Church (USA). The passage of the 219th General Assembly’s Ordination Amendment 10-A last year, now G-2.0104 in our Book of Order, allows for the ordination of qualified LGBT candidates for ministry. Qualifications for ministry focus once again on faith and character rather than sexual orientation or marital status.
This Sunday is a historic moment in the life of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in the life and ministry of Katie Ricks. Katie’s call and gifts for ministry are clear and evident to those who meet her. When Katie is ordained by New Hope Presbytery on Sunday afternoon, April 15, she will be the first openly lesbian candidate to be ordained since the new ordination policy went into effect on July 10, 2011.

Read the whole story at More Light Presbyterian News

Image courtesy of More Light Presbyterians
