Fingerprint Of The Divine Is On All Of Us

By Michael Adee, Executive Director, More Light Presbyterians

We commend Rev. Tricia Dillon Thomas’ call to breaking the silence and speaking the truth of God’s creation of all persons. Rev. Thomas serves as pastor to youth and families at Peace Presbyterian Church, Lakewood Ranch, Florida. She echoes Rev. Otis Moss lll’s powerful statement supporting President Obama’s public statement of support for marriage equality when he reminded the congregation he serves of the fact that we all have “the fingerprint of the Divine” upon our souls as children of God. Thomas describes the tragic outcome of anti-gay statements that were expressed at a presbytery meeting contributing to the suicide of a father who had recently come out as gay. Thomas is absolutely correct. What the Church teaches, what we say about others, how we interpret Scripture and how we treat each other can be either life-giving or life-taking.
We’re all children of God. We’re all created in the image of God. God’s grace, love and salvation are for all of God’s children, not just some. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for all persons. It is the hope and prayer of More Light Presbyterians that we live, teach and share this truth.

From the Bradenton Herald:

After President Obama announced his support of same-sex marriage last week, the prevalent message the media sent from our churches to the LGBT, and especially to our young people, is that their lives are worthless, that the stain of their “sin” is so worse than the rest of ours, that they are unforgivable.

Why, Dear God, has your overwhelming message of love, of justice, of solidarity with the oppressed been pushed aside to highlight the voice of our own righteousness, a voice that screams violence and encourages violence against your children, children you breathed your breath into and created in your image?

Because the voice of hate is more sensational than the voice of love, the message our young people are hearing from the church is that being gay is worse than being a murderer, being gay is worse than not taking care of the poor, widowed and orphan, being gay is a sin that makes you unredeemable.

What our young LGBT people are hearing is they deserve every single beating, hate crime, and insult directed their way. What they hear from our churches is they are unlovable wretched creatures who are better off dead.

My faithful friends, who value the life of every single creature God has created, our voice needs to rise louder and clearer.

To the young queer community: We shouldn’t have to tell you life gets better, but please don’t give up hope. Get those voices of hate out of your head. You are no mistake. You are no abomination. There are people, churches, synagogues and clergy from all different kinds of faiths who want to support you, walk beside you, and would even give up our lives for you.

And we want you to know our God loves you at least as much as the person who loves you the most. When our God created you, God breathed life into you and called you good. You are a beloved, uniquely and wonderfully made. May you know this and may you live into this — the true definition as a child of God. Hallelujah, Amen.

Watch Rev. Dr. Otis Moss’ response to President Obama’s support for marriage equality.

Learn more about More Light Presbyterians

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