Gay Man Barred From Graduation Speech To Speak At ‘Graduation for All’

Released by GLAAD

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) released the following statement in response to Sacred Heart Academy barring gay Michigan man from speaking at graduation:

After being uninvited from speaking at his high school alma mater because he is gay, Dominic Sheahan-Stahl today announced that he will address students from the graduating class of Sacred Heart Academy at ‘Graduation for All: Live Through Love,’ on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 1:00 PM in Warriner Hall at Central Michigan University. Several students from the graduating class are expected to attend to show support for Sheahan-Stahl and to take a stand against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) discrimination.
The ‘Graduation for All: Live Through Love’ event was organized after Sheahan-Stahl was disinvited to be the keynote speaker at the Sacred Heart Academy commencement exercises two weeks ago. A third-generation alumnus of Sacred Heart Academy, Sheahan-Stahl was invited last fall to be the keynote speaker for the class which includes his brother Willi. Shortly after sharing his engagement to his boyfriend via Facebook, the administration at Sacred Heart Academy, with pressure from Bishop Joseph R. Cistone of the Diocese of Saginaw, rescinded Dominic’s speaking engagement. The Principal made a public apology for ousting Sheahan-Stahl and has since taken a three day paid leave of absence. 

More than 5,500 supporters have signed a petition created by seniors at Sacred Heart Academy to stand with Sheahan-Stahl. See petition: Groups of Sacred Heart Academy students have also created a YouTube video, Facebook page and the Twitter hashtag #LetDominicSpeak
After leading online efforts to show support for Dominic, Willi and their friend Lexi (another one of Dominic’s many young supporters), were elected king and queen at Sacred Heart’s prom.
Dominic has written an open letter to Bishop Cistone, inviting him to hear Dominic’s speech at Central Michigan University, and to have a dialog about the speech.
“Through the outpouring of love and support that I’ve received from family, friends, Sacred Heart students and many people I’ve never even met, I’ve come to realize that a majority of Catholics support their LGBT brothers and sisters,” said Dominic Sheahan-Stahl. “I was always taught that God is Love and I hope that that my brother and other students will come away from my speech with the knowledge that all people deserve to be treated equally.”
A scholarship foundation called “Live Through Love” is also in the process of being established.  A concert is also being planned, the proceeds of which will benefit “Live Through Love.” For more information visit: Facebook
“It is so encouraging to see how Catholics have taken the lead in turning this sad situation around,” said Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, the nation’s largest organization of LGBT Catholics and their supporters. “So many of the students, families, staff from the school, and the Sheahan-Stahl family have acted with love, integrity, and creativity. This reflects how Catholics live our faith every day. We are delighted to see community being built in the face of the hierarchy’s efforts to exclude and divide.”
“Sending the message to Michigan’s, youth that they, or members of their family, are somehow less than everyone else because they are gay is dangerous, inaccurate and should be addressed immediately,” said Denise Brogan-Kator, Executive Director of Equality Michigan. “Sacred Heart’s actions are yet another reminder that the fight to protect our kids from harassment and exclusion is still present. School districts  across the should use this as an opportunity to draft policies based on the State Board of Education’s model anti-bullying policy,”  she continued. 
GLAAD will be working with Sheahan-Stahl to share his story with media and release footage of his speech.

Learn more about GLAAD
Image courtesy of GLAAD

