Welcoming Congregation Needs Your Help

By Joseph Ward, Director, Believe Out Loud

We need your help. 

Next month, Grace Community United Church of Christ of Saint Paul will face foreclosure unless it can raise $200,000. Rev. Oliver White, the senior minister of this predominantly African-American congregation, voted for marriage equality at the United Church of Christ’s 2005 General Synod, and has since lost 3/4 of his congregation, largely due to his prophetic stand on LGBT justice. 

He has received death threats, hate mail and in March, his church was shot at during a wedding ceremony—the assailants hurling homophobic epithets while shooting. 

Every day we ask Christians across this country to break the silence and standup for LGBT equality in their congregations and communities. Rev. White has long stood with the LGBT community and today, it is our turn to stand by him. 

I ask you to offer as little as $10 to help Grace Community reach its $200,000 fundraising goal. Rev. White and his congregation know it’s an ambitious goal for two weeks, and we do too. But when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. We appreciate any support you can offer. 

Donate to Grace Community United Church of Christ here.

Read Rev. Oliver White’s reflection to the Believe Out Loud community here.

Leave a message of support here.


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