Facebook Comments And Conversations This Week

By Believe Out Loud

During the last weekend in June 2012, Believe Out Loud’s Facebook page reached, and surpassed, 90,000 “Likes”.  That number continues to climb daily.

In response to this achievement, the Believe Out Loud team posted their most recent video to their Facebook page. This video displays a family walking into a church service. Every time they want to sit in a pew, people do not welcome them in. It is not until after the pastor welcomes them that they can find a seat in the pew and truly be welcomed in.

There were many responses to this video on Facebook. Here are three of them:

“Fantastic Video!!!! The True way a Church grounded in Christ should be!!!!! ;)”

“congrats, BOL! I still choke up watching this. Made with love by SF’s Kontent Films and especially director David Munro.”

“This made me cry… but in a good way, of course. Love you, BOL!”

There are many more responses to the video on the Believe Out Loud website. Click here to watch the video and read the comments.

On Tuesday we shared a blog someone wrote about the debate around same-sex marriage and how it had an impact on young peoples’ involvement in the church. The blog was titled, “Could Gay Marriage Debate Drive Young Christians From Church?” To read the blog click here.

Here is what someone said in response to this blog on our Facebook page:

“Sadly, the answer from my perspective is “Yes.” The evangelical community has really let our young people down by their continued dogmatic definition of sin and righteousness. I continue to look for promising progress but it is slow and hard to find. Thank God for Believe Out Loud & Soulforce who are leading the way! God Bless both of these wonderful endeavors!”

Here is a comment from someone who over time became a welcoming person to the LGBT Christian community:

“Hi. I became a Christian at the age of 7. I entered the ministry when I was a teenager. I am now 37 years old. For most of my life, I was a FIRM believer that Homosexuals would not make it to Heaven. I saw their “lifestyle” as dangerous and ridiculous. I have now changed my mind!!! 5 years ago, I began to consider the possibility that I was misunderstanding the Bible. I embarked on my own private Bible study, ignoring everything I had ever been taught in Church. It was the best thing I have ever done!!! I discovered more about God in that study than I ever did in my life. I am now in love with Jesus more than ever AND I see the errors in my previously held prejudices. I just want to say… From a straight Christian man, I 100% support your cause!!! I see the mistakes I made and I am doing my best to share the REAL message of the Bible, which I now see is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and PEACE on Earth!!! Keep up the Good Work!!!”

Here is a comment from someone who has been negatively affected by anti-LGBT Christians. Thankfully this person’s faith in humanity has been restored.

“You know a few weeks ago I posted on my Facebook wall that I was sick and tired of the bigots and hatred that I kept encountering in the Christian faith. I told everyone that I was going to stop calling myself Christian and give up on the faith entirely. My so called Christian friends and family would constantly tell me I was not living right with God because I supported gay marriage and my gay friends. then, a friend of mine shared your page with me. I must say, my faith has been restored. I can now say that I know what is right and wrong and I am living right by God by loving ALL of his children. Thank you so much. You are truly doing great work!”

The comment above made me feel very thankful and grateful that Believe Out Loud is here and is able to reach so many people. The fact that we were able to help someone restore their faith by simply having this Facebook page, speaks volumes as to Believe Out Loud’s positive spirit. It is wonderful to see so many people that are touched by Believe Out Loud in a positive way.

Image Flickr dearanxiety
