General Assembly: The Story With In The Story

By More Light Presbyterians

As the dust settles, the headlines don’t capture “the story” within the story of the 220th General Assembly. We had a strong GA Team of two dozen people working on the ground in Pittsburgh; a legislative team working on marriage, ordination and the Confessions; offering four major events; the MLP Booth in the Exhibit Hall; a hospitality suite throughout the week; and a communications team.

1,500 Rainbow Scarves knitted by Presbyterians who have been praying for this Assembly came from all over the country were worn as a sign of God’s love for all persons including God’s LGBT children and their families. Bishop Gene Robinson gave an amazing keynote at our National MLP Dinner to a crowd of 300 affirming the work of “holy chaos” that challenges the old prejudices that prevent everyone from experiencing the Gospel and God’s love for them.

This was a remarkable General Assembly in many ways. It officially received our Book of Order. Attempts to repeal 10-A were soundly defeated. A historic first was achieved: this was the first time a marriage equality overture was debated and voted on the plenary floor. This is only the third General Assembly to have marriage equality overtures. An overture to amend W-4.9001 to expand the language of marriage from a “man and a woman” to “two people” nearly won by a vote of 308-338 which is 48% to 52%. We see this action as losing forward and believe that marriage equality can be won at General Assembly in Detroit in 2014.

This Assembly calls us to new work on marriage, Heidelberg and Belhar. Stay tuned for educational resources for the two year study on same-sex marriage and a new marriage equality campaign. Get ready to help our Church be on the right side of history and stand on the side of love.

Learn more about More Light Presbyterians

Image courtesy of More Light Presbyterians
