Lutheran Presiding Bishop Keynotes Pro-LGBT Faith Group


Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson of the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA) will provide an historic keynote on July 7, to the ReconcilingWorks biennial gathering running from July 6-10 in Washington, D.C. Formerly known as Lutherans Concerned/North America, ReconcilingWorks launched its new organization name, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, on June 12th,  to better reflect their ongoing ministry with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, their families and congregations throughout the denomination.

This first-ever presentation by the presiding bishop of the 4.2 million member ELCA follows a 2009 ELCA assembly decision to drop the prohibition against partnered gay or lesbian ministers. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in 2011 also voted to permit marriage or blessing of same-gender couples.

“We are honored to have Bishop Hanson address the ReconcilingWorks Assembly,” said Emily Eastwood, executive director. “Bishop Hanson has always treated the members of ReconcilingWorks with respect.  Today as we live into our new name, ReconcilingWorks, we look forward to hearing Bishop Hanson on the subject of reconciliation and to our work helping to create a church where Christ’s reconciling love is embodied through full participation in the church.”

When prohibitions were dropped, many ELCA congregations celebrated that they could call ministers to serve regardless of whom they love or how they express their gender.  LGBT people in committed relationships have been ordained, called and reinstated since the change in policy. 

Learn more about ReconcilingWorks

Image courtesy of ReconcilingWorks
