People You Know Conversations

Referendum 74 will be voted on this November in Washington State. In February, the Legislature passed marriage equality legislation with bi-partisan support, and our Catholic Governor, Christine Gregoire signed it into law. Marriage equality opponents then launched a signature campaign to overturn it and now Washington State must approve it by a vote of the people.

Our faith team has joined with campaigns across the country to hold “People You Know Conversation” trainings in Washington State for persons of faith. We are preparing them to have conversations with people they know about marriage and approving the upcoming Referendum 74.

This past Monday over 40 people from various denominations met at First United Methodist Church in downtown Seattle to learn key skills in listening, curiosity, and making the most persuasive faith messaging their own. We also gave participants the opportunity to focus on their own journey story to help them engage in meaningful conversations. At the end of the training everyone was asked to commit to holding conversations with ten people they know. By doing this, we will be able to hold tens of thousands of conversations across the State!

An activist, Believe Out Loud supporter, and Ref. 74 volunteer, Cynthia Scheiderer co-facilitated our first training and has vowed to do more!  From her point of view, “everyone should be able to be married to the love of their life,” like she is!

Supportive faith voices can make the difference! People who are engaged in one conversation with a person of faith in support of marriage equality are 70% more likely to vote to approve Referendum 74. Consequently, we have trainings planned all across the state for the months of September and October to empower persons of faith to talk to their neighbors and friends.

These conversations, held by persons of faith, can also build out the truth that many denominations and members within even the most conservative traditions stand in support of marriage equality. Let the echo chamber of conversations begin. Won’t you join us, and others in Maryland, Maine and Minnesota to support marriage equality for all loving committed couples across the land?

Image courtesy of Rev. Debra Peevey, Faith Communities In Washington State gather for “People You Know Conversation”
