Protecting Youth From Ex-Gay Therapy

More Light Presbyterians has a long history of speaking out against dangerous “reparative therapy” movements both in the PC(USA) and outside it.

These conversion therapies have been rejected as dubious at best and in most cases harmful by the the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and most importantly the American Academy of Pediatrics. These coercive reparative methods include the use of shame, verbal abuse, exposure to pornography and even aversion training with electric shock and nausea-inducing drugs. Church leaders coerce followers into thinking their eternal salvation hangs in the balance.

Adults are, of course, free to choose whatever they like, harmful or not. But it should be illegal for minors to be coerced into this unscientific, dangerous quackery. The California Legislature is about to pass just such a measure.

Jane Embry, a physician who grew up in Birmingham Alabama, (and the wife of actress Jane Lynch), speaks out on these practices in this recent op-ed piece in the LA Times.

As people of faith, as followers of the Risen Christ, please sign the petition to encourage Gov. Jerry Brown to sign California SB 1172, the first of its kind in the nation, into law.

Please pass this communication along in your communities of support.

Learn more about More Light Presbyterians

Image courtesy of More Light Presbyterians
