The Calm After The Storm

Via Huffington Post

Two lovers. That’s how I got here. Two lovers caught up in a moment set my life spinning in motion. You know the story, cells divide and life explodes. But before my fingernails took shape and before the first thud of contracting muscle sent blood flowing through my veins, something else occurred; something beautiful and terrifying for the future of this still forming child. We’ll get to that in a bit.

After nine months of complete darkness I traveled through the canal of life and into the blinding light of my future. My eyes stung as they adjusted to being used for the first time. What a curious and amazing sight, all these blurry shapes scurrying about. I was confused and frightened, but understanding will come in time. Little did I know that I had been birthed into the eye of a storm.

Read the whole story at Huffington Post

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