There’s Hope For LGBT Students At Conservative Christian Colleges

Via Huffington Post

Over 500,000 students attend more than 150 conservative Christian colleges which discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. For many queer students on these campuses, going back to college in the coming weeks means going back into the closet. It also means returning to an environment where every official message concerning homosexuality, whether in the student handbook or from the speaker at a mandatory chapel session, is that homosexual activity is ungodly and that a homosexual identity must be abandoned.

These messages leave students feeling hopeless. I know, because when I was a student at one of these colleges in the mid-2000s, I constantly heard these messages and experienced the worst depression of my life. I was also harassed, sent to conversion therapy and hospitalized for panic attacks stemming from my sexual identity crisis.

Read the whole story at Huffington Post

Image flickr swingtan
