‘NoWedge’ Event Shows Blacks and LGBTQ Not Exclusive Identities

Black faith leaders are hosting a town hall meeting tonight in Harlem to help voters talk about what it means to be part of the black, LGBTQ, and faith communities. The talk is part of the NoWedge Campaign 2012, a grassroots movement launched in May to engage Black voters and foster a unified front against right-wing tactics designed to “drive a wedge between blacks and gays.”   

The goal of this town hall meeting is to add some spirit and enthusiasm to Black voters in hopes that they will get out and vote. Dr. Julianne Malveaux, the keynote speaker, will likely address how the faith communities support members from both black and LGBTQ communities specifically addressing marriage equality. In a press release from the NoWedge campaign, they said that, “The event will also amplify voices of the African American LGBT community particularly because marriage equality and Black America has been a central issue without much media attention.”

From the initial start of the movement, faith leaders, such as Rev. Candy Holmes, have repeatedly noted that being Black, religious and gay were not mutually exclusive identities. It’s the intersection of these identities where the NoWedge2012 Campaign puts its efforts.

Believe Out Loud encourages its followers to attend the event tonight in Harlem. If you are not in the greater New York area, start a conversation about faith, LGBTQ and racial identities.

Image via NoWedge2012 Campaign
