There Is No Power But God, A Prayer

Receive these words and believe them for they are true…

God is the only power in my life. Nothing from without can touch the perfect Life of God within. No past experience has power over me. I am a perfect child of God and nothing that anyone has ever done or said can interfere with my divine inheritance. The Power of God is greater than any circumstance in my life. The strength of God is mine to use. Turning away from all feelings of inadequacy, I discover that all that I need is within me now. As I forgive the past I find that I have nothing to atone for and nothing to run away from.  And so it is.

-Jack Addington

God of rainbows and wild embracing love, you remind us that you are a lover of all your good creation.  You give life, redeem life, and stay with us forever –  nudging us forward into the great goodness for which we were created. Thank you for loving us no matter what. Thank you for standing with us no matter the forces arrayed against us. Thank you that the arc of your moral universe bends towards justice. And thank you for gifting us with strength to live and love another day.

While we seek and strive and sometimes struggle to be your people, to be the best of who you created us to be, we acknowledge and confess that we fall short. When you’ve asked for our hands to be used for your purposes, we’ve withdrawn them because the work is hard. When you’ve asked for our mouths to speak out against injustice, we’ve whispered to avoid being accused. When you’ve asked for our eyes to see the pain of poverty, we’ve closed them because we did not want to see. Gracious God, forgive our halfhearted efforts at being your people, made in your image. Forgive us for serving you only when it is convenient and safe and easy. Forgive us and renew us. Send us out as usable instruments this week who might better sing your song of peace and love.

Hear our prayer, Holy Spirit, to make a home for all people, in all churches that call themselves the body of Christ.  May bisexuals, gay men, heterosexuals, lesbian women, transgendered persons and all who seek you, find you in those places that claim to house your Spirit.  May the day soon come when your people are no longer hurt and harmed by angry exclusion but healed and made whole by the outpouring of your love in creation. 

Pour that love on all your creatures.

Pour that love on the families of all who find themselves in ruptured and fractured relationships.  

Pour that love, O God of love, in LGBT communities looking for meaningful signs of your love that sustains life.

We pray a special outpouring of love for those seeking healing from violence to their mind, body or spirit because of their orientation, because of who they love. 

We pray in your mighty and powerful name knowing there is no power but you. Amen.

Image Flickr saturn ♄
