Week In Review

Good Tuesday morning. Welcome to Believe Out Loud’s Week In Review, a weekly digest of the latest headlines at the intersection of Christianity and LGBT equality.

This lego Bible might be fun for the kids. 

For the first time, two school districts are celebrating LGBT History Month, with their more than 1 million students. “There are many different types of families; we want all of our families to be recognized in our schools,” said Judy Chiasson, diversity coordinator for Los Angeles schools.

Bishop Marc Andrus was denied entrance to the installation Mass of Roman Catholic archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone. Andrus, who disagrees with Cordileone’s stance towards LGBT equality, shared this reaction in his blog.

Four states (Washington, Maryland, Minnesota, and Maine) are voting on marriage equality measures this fall. Rev. Percy “Happy” Watkins has joined many Christian supporters stating, “When you get to know people, it makes a difference.”  

Last week, Public Religion Research Institute released a new report that found younger millenials are split on the importance of a candidate’s religious beliefs. More than 6-in-10 support marriage equality

Next week, Christians around the country will “go purple” in support of Spirit Day. Joseph Amodeo shares how some Catholic Parishes are going purple too

Here’s a final thought from Believe Out Loud member Vincent Owen Gonzalez: “Being gay is not incompatible with my Christian faith. How many gay people does God have to create to let everyone know He wants us here! (heard the quote in a movie, wish I could say it was my own but it does reflect my sentiment.” –October 1 @ BOL Facebook

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