No Easy Road Ahead as Hate Crimes Rise

By: Sara Snyder, Believe Out Loud

While recent progress has been made with the approval of same-sex marriage in four states, the backlash of crimes against members of the LGBTQ community has grown. Nearly one in five hate crimes that were reported in the US were directed at gays and lesbians, according to data on hate crimes from 2011 released by the FBI last week. 

The overall number of hate crimes has decreased since last year, but these crimes are now more specific to target groups. Nearly half of the reported hate crimes were provoked because of race. Over 20% of these were based around an individuals sexuality and just under 20% for religious affiliation. The release of this data marks the first time that sexual orientation is a strongly targeted group for reported crime.

“The 2011 FBI hate crimes data is a sad reminder that even as we make great strides toward equality under the law, LGBT people in face dangers in America,” said Chad Griffin of the Human Rights Campaign.

We, as Christians, should stand up against injustice and intolerance. It is in our very nature to love when the world wants to hate. And in a situation with a growing number of crimes against the people we love, it is our duty to open our hearts and teach tolerance and acceptance. 

Image via the Washington Blade 
