Week In Review

Welcome to Believe Out Loud’s Week In Review, a weekly digest of the latest headlines at the intersection of Christian faith and LGBT equality.

President Obama was officially sworn in as the 44th President of the United States on Sunday, and again yesterday in front of 1 million people.

In his inaugural address, he made history becoming the first President to cite gay rights by referencing the Stonewall riots and stating, “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law.”

Rev. Dr Nancy Wilson, moderator of the Metropolitan Community Churches and an openly gay minister, read the scripture at today’s Inaugural Interfaith Prayer Service at the National Cathedral. She shared what this opportunity means to her and millions of LGBT people around the world.

A Republican lawmaker is backing gay marriage in Wyoming.

Shannon Kearns made news recently as a transgender man who will be ordained in the North American Old Catholic Church. He shared this refleciton: A Transgender Man’s Journey To Ordination.

Here’s a final thought from Christopher Branch: “God is pro-love and pro-dignity. So yes, God is pro-gay marriage…”–January 16 @ Believe Out Loud Facebook

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