Catholic Principal Fired For Pro-Gay Marriage Beliefs

Mike Moroski, an Assistant Principal at Purcell Marian High School, a parochial school in Cinncinati, Ohio, has been fired after writing a blog post in support of gay marriage. The Archdiocese of Cincinatti dismissed Moroski after he refused to take down his blog and sign papers recanting his pro-gay marriage stance. In Moroski’s original blog post, the Archdiocese found the following passage inconsistent with Catholic teachings:

Furthermore – I unabashedly believe that gay people SHOULD be allowed to marry. Ethically, morally and legally I believe this. I spend a lot of my life trying to live as a Christian example of love for others, and my formation at Catholic grade school, high school, 3 Catholic Universities and employment at 2 Catholic high schools has informed my conscience to believe that gay marriage is NOT something of which to be afraid.

He then goes on to address his concept of love:

Someone on my Facebook wall asked if my definition of “love” knew no bounds. I said that it did. Love of hurting others is where I draw the line – whether sexually, emotionally, physically, mentally – I do not accept the love of hurt. Outside that, if the love you share with someone else makes you the best version of yourself possible and you go out there in the world and share that love with others – have at it and be well.

Read more about Moroski’s termination at Local12.

Photo via Flickr by David Paul Ohmer.
