Going Global: Working Together For LGBT Equality

In just a few days, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue its ruling on Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

As public support for LGBT equality grows, there are many communities where change has yet to come.

Our latest newsletter speaks to the diverse challenges and LGBT activism in the United States and abroad. Rev. Robin Lunn is “driving across country in an RV” sharing the good news of the ministry of inclusion within the Baptist community.

On the anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis challenges us to consider the similarities in the struggles for interracial and same-sex marriage. She writes: “no matter what the culture asserts, adults have the civil right to marry, no matter their sexual orientation.”

As we continue our work in the United States, filmmakers Malika Zouhali-Worrall and Katherine Fairfax Wright remind us that the struggle for LGBT equality is global.

Their film Call Me Kuchu depicts the last year in the life of LGBT activist David Kato.

In their blog, they discuss the influence of American evangelicals on the homophobic policies in Uganda, as well as one Bishop’s remarkable call for inclusion.

Call Me Kuchu begins its theatrical release this weekend at the Quad Theater in NYC. If you’re in town this Sunday, June 16, please join Malika, Ugandan LGBT activist Frank Mugisha, and myself for a short talkback following the 7:20 p.m. screening.

As we work together to pursue LGBT equality across the globe, check out The Latest to stay updated, and contact us to add your voice to the conversation.

Photo courtesy of Call Me Kuchu
