Celebrating The First Year Of My Amazing Lesbian Marriage

On a cool Saturday—October 6th, 2012—I took a walk, holding the hand of my best friend, my soul-mate, and the love of my life. 

I stood in front of my friends and family, and hers. 

There were passages read, and homilies were presented. Underneath a natural chuppah of leaf and limb, God’s presence became visible and felt in light and gentle Autumn breeze. 

We made promises. Solemn vows. And we placed rings on our fingers. Flowers were placed at our feet.

As our friends placed them around us, as an act of prayer, and symbolizing support, eternity, unity, and trinity, while “Holy, Holy, Holy” played in the background and prayers were prayed. 

And just like that—with much prayer, reverence, humility, and gratitude—a marriage began.

It’s been one year of Christian marriage. The federally legal will come soon, as we wait for the state.

We have laughed until tears have streamed down both of our faces. We have held each other through loss and pain.

We have prayed prayers together, and sung hymns. We have learned how to agree and how to disagree.

We have learned how to appreciate, to inspire, and to challenge each other. We have grown, and are continuing to learn how best to help each other grow.

It has been one year of Christian marriage—a holy, good Christian marriage.

And we are celebrating and thankful for our friends and family who have supported us, and are continuing to surround us with the love and support those flowers at our feet represented.

One year, and counting for eternity…

Originally Published on Bees, C’s, & D’sPhoto by Victoria Livingston
