Christians Affirm LGBTQ Youth This Spirit Day

This Thursday, October 17, is Spirit Day, when millions of people will wear purple to stand against bullying.

Many Christians are responding to this call to support LGBTQ youth by participating in Spirit Day.

Believe Out Loud is joining with GLAAD and a number of faith organizations as we turn our logo purple on our social networks to make our support visible. Our latest value statement allows Christians to share their stance against bullying with their friends and families.

More Light Presbyterians posted a moving reflection on the exclusion many students feel in our churches and schools. They discuss why it is important to bring our whole selves to a celebration of Spirit Day:

It is not only just OK to be gay, straight, bisexual, or transgender. It is good to be that way, because that is the way God has made you. And the Christian community, the world community, needs you to bring the totality of your being—including and maybe especially your sexual and gender identity—to the table.

This reflection reminds us that we all have value as children of God. Our sexual orientations and gender identities reflect the vastness and great mystery of a God beyond our imagination.

Christians are called to protect LGBTQ students—and everyone—from those who fail to see their divine worth.

At their worst, exclusionary theologies can encourage bullying of LGBTQ students. In his latest blog, Eliel Cruz describes how he sees this playing out in his Seventh-day Adventist schools. GLAAD also offers details on the long-term effects of bullying.

In addition, we have hosted a number of reflections on the ways exclusionary theology affects our sense of identity and self-worth. Many of our bloggers have shared stories of their own experiences navigating LGBTQ identity, Christian faith, and mental health. These testimonies remind us how important it is to share the good news of God’s unconditional love for all people.

Share our latest graphic to stand against bullying and show your Christian support for LGBTQ youth!

Photo by Angela Jimenez Photography
