Why I’m Going Purple

I read an article the other day about how a high-school student, near the end of his rope, went to talk to his school counselor.

He felt safe because he saw a rainbow flag on her door.

Today he is the president of the student government at a major university. Based on that article, you might say he is thriving. While there is turn your profile picture purple. Or share Believe Out Loud’s graphic to show your Christian support.

Finally, wear a purple pin, shirt, socks, scarf, or pants if your really feeling fancy!

One final thought. Not only does “Going Purple” say that we stand with LGBT youth, but it also sends a message to those would-be bullies.

When you hurt one, you hurt many. And I, for one, will not stand for it.

Sometimes our actions do speak louder than words. Or at the very least, they might make us think twice about our words.

Will you join me in going purple this Spirit Day?

Originally posted by Holli Long
