When Our Daughter Came Out

Four years ago our daughter came out to us as bi. She was 20. My first thoughts were that we’d never be the same in the church. No kidding.

My daughter is telling me something very intimate and scary, several thoughts are going through my head, and I am a little surprised to realize that one is about how the church relationship would never be the same. Not just our then-church but the entire evangelical tradition we’d been in for 20+ years.

They don’t accept LGBT folks, and no way were we going to squeeze our daughter into some box so we could fit a church.

Frankly, the fact that our relationship to the church was a concern in my mind in that moment indicates a very serious problem with the non-affirming evangelical church tradition. Every time Jesus interacted with people in need, he was a safe and welcoming place. Done. We are supposed to be that for each other.

Yet, in this moment of need, I knew the church was not a safe place for me to bring this conversation. Just the conversation was not safe to have with my closest friends there. That is a serious distortion of what the church was supposed to look like.

Our daughter asked if we would accept her; I said yes. She said are you sure? I said of course. Absolutely. My husband said the same—no doubt about it.

As I look back on the conversation now, I get chills. 

But at the moment, I didn’t grasp the gravity of the question. Of course, we would accept her. No other possibility crossed our minds. But she told us this is not always the case. She told us that some of her friends lost their families when they came out. They were kicked out. What? How could that possibly make sense?

My experience since then shows me this rejection is all too common. One young woman’s mother threw her down the stairs. A young man’s mother fell on the floor and wailed, “Where did we go wrong?,” and his father answered, “When we had him.” This response is a serious breakdown, and it reveals something horrifying.

It reveals a lack of understanding of sexual orientation. 

A lack of understanding that it is who somebody is, not what they do, and not a choice. And nowhere, nowhere, does God or the Bible or common sense condones throwing out your child because they’re gay. By no measurement does that make sense. Period.

It also reveals a completely wrong understanding of God’s unconditional love and acceptance. It is a wrong and dangerous teaching that puts behavior first, that makes worthiness up for grabs, something that can be withdrawn on a moment’s notice. It completely undermines Christ’s presence on Earth and in our lives today.

That my daughter could think, after all these years, that we could cut off or in any way limit our relationship with her is a chilling indictment of much the church and its teaching. Here’s someone who’s already had their world rocked by discovering and admitting to themselves that they have an LGBTQ orientation. When the Christian parents, and the church, discover that, they throw them out? That makes no sense. And it is the complete opposite of the message of God’s love.

That’s why I’m beyond grateful that God is ushering in a new day and age in the church.

Legalism, fundamentalism, literalism—all of it—is on its way out. The next generation will not tolerate it. God is refreshing his message of love to his people.

When you throw all that out, what’s left? Love. Jesus.

As it should be.

Originally published on FreedHearts; Image via flickr user David Prasad
