Sexuality & Faith: A New Course for Religious Leaders

The intersection of faith and sexuality is one that is often traveled with misconceptions and anxiety because the Church has mostly failed to offer thoughtful, helpful information and education. The Church has been more of a hindrance than a help when it comes to the affirmation of our creation as God’s children of flesh and spirit. Gratefully, this is changing.

All of us have bodies and sexualities in addition to our souls, beliefs and faith practices.

And yet, it seems the reality for too many of us a dilemma exists of “body versus spirit” dilemma rather than a reconciliation of “body and spirit.” The reconciliation of one’s faith and sexuality is a key to living happy, healthy and whole lives. It is an essential foundation to loving, faithful relationships and healthy families. It also goes a long way in establishing safer faith communities and safer societies.

Pastors, priests, chaplains, religious educators, youth directors and all faith leaders are served well when they have a foundation of knowledge about human sexuality. Sexual ethics and pastoral care with regard to sexuality are areas of particular concern for faith leaders.

Where do faith leaders go for thoughtful information about sexuality and this important intersection of faith and sexuality?

The good news is that a new online course about faith and sexuality is now available for you.

The Religious Institute and Boston University’s School of Theology is offering the online course, “Sexuality Issues for Christian Religious Professionals.” The course is from February 1 to April 30, 2015, and the registration deadline is January 29, 2015.

This online learning opportunity is self-directed, reflective and designed to increase knowledge and skills at the intersection of faith and sexuality. You can do this online course from your home or office. Marie Alford-Harkey is the facilitator for this online course.

I wholeheartedly commend this course to you. I hope that you will consider taking the course and sharing it with your friends and colleagues in ministry. This is also a course you can share with your faith community. For more information about this course you can go to this link.

Imagine a world where the Church becomes a helpful and healing voice at the intersection of faith and sexuality.

Imagine the changes in our lives, families and societies when more people are able to reconcile their faith and their sexualtiy. Imagine a world where body and soul come together. Such a world is possible and this amazing online course is one of the resources available now to help create this kind of world.

Originally published by the Global Faith and Justice Project; Photo by Charmain Carrol via Michael Adee
