Supreme Court Ruling Brings Nationwide Marriage Equality

Today’s historic Supreme Court ruling means same-sex couples will soon have the freedom to marry and equal respect for their marriages across the United States.

This is a momentous win for freedom, equality, inclusion, and above all, love!

ADD YOUR NAME: Christians Pledge To Work For Justice Beyond Marriage Equality

Believe Out Loud recognizes the millions of people of faith that joined the decades-long movement for marriage equality. We are grateful for the clergy, congregations and believers of all denominations whose Christian faith compelled us to support the freedom to marry. Our voices are and will continue to be critical to the movement as we continue to seek justice for all LGBTQ people.

This is not just a victory for our country but a victory for our churches as well.

Even before the celebrations are over, we hope state officials move swiftly to implement the Constitution’s command in the remaining 13 states with marriage discrimination. Same-sex couples and their families have waited long enough.

ADD YOUR NAME: Christians Pledge To Work For Justice Beyond Marriage Equality

As we look ahead to a movement beyond marriage equality, we know that the work of affirming Christians is not yet finished. It’s now time for churches to move beyond simply accepting what we understand, to affirming LGBTQ people as they are—whether we understand them or not.

All too often, our affirmation of LGBTQ people is dependent upon whether they fit into our ideas about gender presentation, family structure, and sexual ethics. As Christians, we can stand firmly in the truth that God’s love is expansive; it isn’t bound by human expectations and limitations. When we are compelled by the expansive love of God, we can dare to love beyond difference.

If we can accept the challenge to love without limitation, then we will be better equipped to address a host of other challenges still facing the LGBTQ community today; such as spiritual abuse, LGBTQ homelessness, violence against transgender women of color, poverty, employment discrimination, trans-inclusive healthcare, racial justice, international LGBTQ rights, and equality for LGBTQ seniors and families.

ADD YOUR NAME: Christians Pledge To Work For Justice Beyond Marriage Equality

Thank you so much for joining us in this important work as we seek to achieve justice for all LGBTQ people.

Photo via flickr user Elvert Barnes
