Don’t Miss Another Day Of #HolyTrouble

We’re one week into the 40 Days Of Faith In Action. Since Day 1—the number of people journeying with us has more than doubled!

Each day, we’re taking one action to celebrate and expand LGBTQ-affirming faith.

From coming out as an LGBTQ-affirming person of faith, to exchanging stories with our friends and families, these actions are happening online and offline as we work to shift the mainstream dialogue on faith and justice for LGBTQ people.

On Day 2, we asked people to share when they knew their faith affirms LGBTQ people. Here’s one response:

On Day 3, we shared our family photos on Twitter to interrupt the anti-gay messages coming from the World Congress of Families (WCF). This action was strong enough to drive WCF attendees off their own conference hashtag after we flooded their conversation with our pictures of LGBTQ families 😉

On Sunday, we asked our community to honor the LGBTQ saints who paved the way for our work by coming out as LGBTQ-affirming people of faith!

And yesterday, we advocated for Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which ensures that a broad range of hardworking Houstonians—regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or military status—are treated fairly and equally under the law.

Houstonians are voting TODAY on HERO, and we’re spreading the word that all of God’s children deserve a fair chance to earn a living, take care of their families, have housing, and be served by businesses and government, without fear of discrimination.

Now, we need your help to double the number of people participating in the 40 Days Of Faith In Action.

Will you sign up today to help us reach our goal?  

Click here to sign up.

With your help, we will make LGBTQ people of faith and our allies more visible than ever before!

Photo via Wedgewood Church 
