Why I’m The Proud Mother Of My Queer Son

As my queer son grew in maturity and wisdom, I questioned so many things—my importance in my son’s life, the world’s ideology, family members’ loyalties, my son’s safety, his happiness, and whether or not who he is is who he wants to be.

Even though I have been faced with certain surprises, God has NEVER changed His position.

He looks to the heart of man, not the flesh! He doesn’t make mistakes! He can do ALL things but fail!

God’s love is unconditional! His grace is sufficient! His mercies falls fresh every morning to give us a second chance!

And God loves my/His queer son!

I have been strengthened by the Truth of God’s Word, and my son’s relentless pursuit to defy the interpretation this ignorant world perceives gay men to be. He has been a gift to me that just keeps on giving.

My queer son has shown me the true meaning of the word “courage.”  

He is courageous and unstoppable in his beliefs. God has given him courage to face every challenge. He may have become frustrated and discouraged at times but, thank God, he always bounces back stronger, wiser, and better.

Tim, MY SON, has taught me to dare to be me. He showed me that courage isn’t necessarily the absence of fear, but what is accomplished in the face of it.

When I think of my son, I see a gentle soul who only wants to find his place. He loves so deeply and sincerely and completely; while at the same time, he is truly a FORCE to be reckoned with.

I love his heart; he got it honestly.

Why am I proud to be the mother of a queer son?

Well, I’m proud to be the mother of my son Tim for so many reasons.


And I wouldn’t change him for anything or anyone in this world. Period!

Photo provided by Renee Lawrence
