Christians Vote For Reproductive Justice

At its core, Reproductive Justice is about autonomy and self-determination. It’s about more than parenting decisions—it’s about trusting individuals and families to make informed and prayerful decisions about their lives. This is why we know Reproductive Justice is an LGBTQI issue!

Defined by the Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective SisterSong, Reproductive Justice is “the human right to have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and healthy environments. Over the years, [SisterSong has] expanded RJ to include the human right to bodily autonomy from any form of reproductive oppression.”

Reproductive Justice moves beyond gender; it impacts every individual, including those trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming. It is about equitable access to medical care, and it is grounded in honoring our bodies, whatever their type.

Today, we’re sharing some of the many reasons that people of faith, including LGBTQI Christians and allies, vote for Reproductive Justice:

“I am a Christian, but more importantly I am a follower of Jesus. The same Bible out of which my conservative brothers and sisters pull these cheap one-liners to control the conversation about reproductive health also shows us the life and ministry of Jesus—whom we all claim to follow. The Jesus of the Gospel always treated poor people and people in crisis with compassion, never judgement. I don’t understand how you can claim to model yourself on Jesus while seeking to constantly judge and shame and limit people.

This has led to the restriction of things that could make some women’s lives easier. The Hyde Amendment basically says that if you are poor, you can’t use federal funding for abortion. Hyde targets poor women, young women who are on Medicaid. These people already tend to live on the margins and have less access to resources.

The bottom line is it doesn’t really matter how you feel about abortion, no one should be excluded from the right everybody is supposed to have.” – Rev. Faye London

“I have a daughter, and my mom volunteered for a Planned Parenthood when I was growing up. The Bible I turn to is a message of compassion. It is a message of justice. And it is a message of standing with the marginalized. And if I look at who is marginalized in this day and age, I think of the woman I’ve counseled who have no money and need to make a choice about whether they can support a human life. So for me, the people who spew hate and say it’s based in their religion, they’re not reading the Bible that I am reading.” – Rev. Laura Rossbert

Keep reading to find out when and where you can cast your vote for Reproductive Justice!

Today’s Action
In many states, today is the last day for early voting! Get information on voting below:

Here’s How:

1.   Check out early voting times where you live.

2.   Find your polling place for Election Day.

3.   Using the information above—decide when and where you will cast your vote!

We believe that in order for reproductive justice to be achieved, we must…
Focus on addressing intersecting oppressions. “There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” ~Audre Lorde
Analyze power systems in order for all people to live self-determined lives. 
Women of color feel the impact of the oppressive nature of reproductive politics in the US, which are based on gendered, sexualized, and racialized acts of dominance that occur on a daily basis. RJ works to eradicate this dynamic.
Center the most marginalized. We believe that liberation is possible only when
those who are the most vulnerable are able to exercise all of their human rights without fear, discrimination, or retaliation. Our most marginalized communities must have the access, resources, and power necessary to live self-determined lives; 
only then can we call our society “free.”

Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

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