The Lord’s Prayer For Transgender Awareness

This week is Transgender Awareness week, a week when we turn our attention to understanding the experiences and needs of the transgender community. It’s also a week that concludes with the Transgender Day of Remembrance this Sunday, on Nov. 20th.

As people of faith, we need to educate ourselves this week on how we can be advocates for trans communities.

And, we also need to hold sacred space—to pray, to hope, to grieve. Often people have asked me where to start, or how to hold a vigil, or what to say.

As Christian, I am reminded of how it is that Jesus taught his disciples to pray when they asked him for guidance. It’s a simple way, and it is a way that many have re-visited and re-worded for various people and occasions.

I have written this version of the Lord’s Prayer for those who might want to follow this simple way of praying for their transgender brothers, sisters, and siblings. Perhaps your community can use it this week in worship, or in TDOR services, or any other occasion to hold the transgender community in prayer. Perhaps you can use it in your own individual prayer time this week as you think through how it is that you can be an ally to transgender people during this week and beyond.

And so, friends, I invite you to pray with me, in the manner that Christ taught us…

The Lord’s Prayer For Transgender Awareness

Our mother and Father, our beloved parent, in whom we move and breathe and have our being,

The hallowing of your name shines forth in the diversity of your children.

May your peace and love, justice and equality, inclusion and belonging reign here on earth as in heaven.

Grant that our transgender loved ones might have their daily needs met—that they might find gainful employment without discrimination; that they might have access to medical care without fear; that they might have their rights and lives protected, and that they might find a loving community to belong to and call their own.

Forgive us for the ways that we have fallen short and failed your transgender children. Forgive us of the times we turned away, or did not care; for the times we laughed or judged their unique expression of your image; for the times we have misspoken, asked too much, or failed to hear

As we forgive those who might have failed us.

Lead us away from the temptation to be complacent in the face of injustice. But instead give us courage to stand up and stand with your beloved children. For your love and justice is to be made manifest now and forever.


This prayer was originally written for Central Congregational UCC (Atlanta, GA) Pride Sunday worship Services on October 9, 2016

Photo via flickr user Amy Dianna
