10 Resources For Trans Students

NCTE’s School Action Resource Center

Link: http://www.transequality.org/schoolaction

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students: Your Rights at School

Link: http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/kyr/KYR-Schools-May-2016.pdf

Transgender Students and School Bathrooms: Frequently Asked Questions

Link: https://www.genderspectrum.org/BathroomFAQ/

Schools In Transition A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools

Link: https://www.genderspectrum.org/staging/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Schools-in-Transition-2015.pdf

Trans-Inclusive Classroom Tips

From using correct pronouns to challenging transphobia, this trans-specific resource will help you create learning spaces to support trans and gender nonconforming students in your school!

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E3yN_yz7-ZV3UA8WagvfdTm3p7H25YxdwsWPx4a9pZ4/edit

NCTE’s Fact Sheet on U.S. Department of Education Policy Letter on Transgender Students

Link: http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/ED-DCL-Fact-Sheet.pdf

Model District Policy on Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students – NCTE and GLSEN

Link: http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/GLSEN%20Trans%20Model%20Policy%202016.pdf

Transitioning to Inclusion: Embracing LGBTQ Youth in Faith Communities

This guide will help religious educators, youth ministers, and other faith leaders fully include LGBTQ youth in their programs. Inside you will find a road map of what you may experience if and when a young person comes out to you as LGBTQ, with recommendations for how to use your theology, sacred texts, community values, and existing program guidelines to support them in their journey. Link: http://clgs.org/multimedia-archive/transitioning-to-inclusion-embracing-lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-and-questioning-youth-in-faith-communities/

Best Practices: Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate

This resource covers everything from dress codes to inclusive proms, and . Produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, this page is a go-to resource for any questions that arise as you strive to support LGBTQ students—and particularly trans and gender nonconforming students—throughout the year!

Link: http://www.tolerance.org/lgbt-best-practices

GLSEN’s Safe Space Kit: Be An Ally to LGBT Youth

Educators who want to becone LGBTQ allies should start here! The guide first leads readers through a reflection on what it means to be an ally, and then it moves into a series of “how-to” resources for being an LGBTQ ally in schools. From what to say when students come out, to responding to anti-LGBT behavior and making an action plan for advocacy in your school—this guide is a go-to resource for educators who want to put their LGBTQ-affirming values in action this school year. Click this link to download the comprehensive “Safe Space Kits,” and safe space stickers and posters in both Spanish and English.

Link: https://www.glsen.org/sites/default/files/GLSEN%20Safe%20Space%20Kit%202016_0.pdf
