How Do You Believe Out Loud?

Have you seen our compilation of ten wonderfully and marvelously made people sharing with us how they believe out loud?

Believe Out Loud has always been a space of affirmation for LGBT people of faith and their allies. With our “How do YOU believe out loud” campaign, we turn the microphone back to you – to share with us and this beautiful community what these words mean to you.

Success, progress and a more humane world depend on all of us being able to fully embrace and live out the vastness of what makes us our unique self.

You are made in the image of God. Who you are, who you love and how you believe are all reflections of God. God loves all aspects of who you are because all of those aspects are of God.

What does it take for you to be able to live your life authentically? Tell us how you believe out loud through video, photo, or text. Add the hashtags #hdybol and #believeoutloud and you might get featured on our Facebook page @believeoutloud

Video produced by the Believe Out Loud content team: Ben Ohene and Victoria Anderson

This compilation video includes answers from:
J Vu Mai
Jamila Reddy
Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz
Eugenia Cooper
Marilyn McClain
Grissel Bonilla
Glencie Rhedrick
Serena Worthington
Rev. Ron Buford
Rev. Debra J. Hopkins
