Portal to a New World:
An Earth Day Reflection

There are so many lessons to learn in this time of COVID-19, and specifically throughout Eastertide, the 50-day period between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday.

On a positive note, we have witnessed the uniting of humanity. We have seen people come together, quickly to combat colossal issues. On a challenging note, we cringe at the fact that 40% of the bodies at morgues are black and brown. The glaring reality is that inequality has been “amplified and accelerated by this pandemic.” This is strikingly true when we think about the environmental racism and justice disparities found in areas densely populated by black and brown people (think Flint, Michigan).

These revelations forbid us from thinking there could be a going back to ‘normal’ because that idea of normal equals death. It is a scary thought that nothing will ever be the same. The first disciples, too, were afraid, grief stricken and unsettled by the loss of their old world and the coming of a new world. But if we can learn one thing from the days following Easter, it is that all hope is not lost. Resurrection means we too can be born again. Resurrection means God is with us, always.

At 7pm every night in NYC and at different times across the globe, people are clapping and cheering for healthcare and essential workers. This gesture is not just audible, but tangible energy. It is the seeing, the touching, the feeling we have been yearning for in this time of physical isolation and distancing. We cherish friendship and intimacy, which is why humanity can identify with the disciple, Thomas because like him we want to see and touch and feel the risen Lord.

When we make our voice heard during #ClapBecauseWeCare or by not using straws or plastic bags, by eating less meat, or using our actual voices to urge politicians for “climate action NOW!”, we are spreading a gospel that says God is still speaking, through us.

Like the disciples, can we, too, resist the temptation to return to business as usual? Can we go from followers to leaders?

Health workers all over the world are setting aside their specialties to work towards one common goal, saving lives. We must do the same.

Through all of our individual contributions, the world can become a beautiful depiction of mutuality, harmony and heart.
