Ascension Day: A Testimony of Jesus’ Trust

We don’t often think about Ascension Day as one of the important Christian holidays; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Just as  Christmas and Easter remind us of the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Emmanuel, Ascension Day solidifies the fact that God is with us.

Through the ascension of Christ, God’s earthly work is done. We have been rescued, ransomed and redeemed as God’s children. Luke (24:49) reminds us that we have been given Christ’s exalted Holy Spirit and that our salvation is complete. God does not subscribe to a performance-based Christianity.

The reappearance and triumphant rise of Christ prepares a place for us in heaven (John 14:2), where Christ advocates and mediates on our behalf. Our mercies are new every morning in our renewed covenant and restored relationship with God. There is nothing more any of us need to do to be loved more greatly by God than we already are.

Ascension Day encourages us to remember that we are fortified with power, confidence and courage to complete the mission God gave us. We must bear witness to the suffering of others and call attention to the marginalized in this world so that we may all ascend to our most divine selves.

Ascension Day is a testimony of Jesus’ trust in us to continue preaching the good news, revealing to others the peace of God and leaving the world better than we found it.
