Trinity Sunday: When Death Becomes Life

So, what do we do?

Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving?

I should hope not!

If we’ve left the empire where sin is dominant, how can we continue to make a home there?

Did someone forget to tell you we packed up and left there for good?

That is what happened in baptism.

When we went under the water, we left the empire of sin behind.

When we came out of the water, we were anointed and baptized into Christ’s death.

We were buried with him in order to be raised from death and to enter into new space for grace.

We march confidently out of the grave into a new life in a new land!*

Trinity Sunday Prayer:

Let our lives be a gospel that says God is still speaking.

*This derivative of Romans 6:3-4 was inspired by the NIV, VOICE and MSG versions.
