Our Amplification Grantees

One of Believe Out Loud’s greatest blessings, as a program of a social justice ministry, has been the ability to support and uplift grassroots LGBTQIA organizations around the world. Since 2019, we’ve distributed $73,370 in amplification grants to 16 organizations working to provide housing, food, spiritual resources, COVID-19 relief packages, mental health services and transformational advocacy for the LGBTQIA community. Learn how to support these incredible organizations here: 

  • BlantonPeale Institute
    • https://www.blantonpeale.org/
    • Blanton-Peale Institute and Counseling Center provides holistic mental health care to vulnerable populations such as Black and Brown people, the LGBTQIA community and frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • The DMARCO Organization 
  • Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC
    • https://www.gmcw.org/
    • GMCW is an LGBTQIA chorus dedicated to using their talents to inspire equality and justice. It is the only LGBTQIA chorus in the Nation’s capital.
  • Ibn Rushd-Goethe Moschee (Mosque) 
    • https://www.ibn-rushd-goethe-moschee.de/en/
    • Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque is a progressive and inclusive Islamic house of worship in Germany that considers everyone equal and welcomes all religious orientations, genders and sexual identities.
  • Interfaith Prison Partnership
    • https://www.interfaithprisonpartnership.org/
    • IPP envisions a world without mass incarceration and the life-long trauma that it breeds. They collaborate with organizations focused on criminal reform and restorative justice in providing resources for folks during their incarceration and after. 
  • Rainbow Riots 
    • https://rainbowriots.com/
    • Rainbow Riots uses the power of music and creativity to connect LGBTQIA people around the world and advocate for equality. They work in Europe, Asia and Africa, supporting queer folks in countries where they are most marginalized. 
  • Reconciling Ministries Network
    • https://rmnetwork.org/
    • Reconciling Ministries is dedicated to LGBTQIA inclusion and affirmation within the United Methodist Church. They organize and educate in order to transform hearts both within the church and outside of it
  • Room for All 
    • https://roomforall.com/ 
    • Room for All affirms and advocates for the LGBTQIA community within the Reformed Church of America through educational and theological programs centered around inclusion, love and faith.
  • SAGE
    • https://www.sageusa.org/
    • SAGE is dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQIA elders through programs and advocacy work. 
  • The Stonewall Chorale
    • https://www.stonewallchorale.org/
    • The Stonewall Chorale is the nation’s first gay and lesbian chorus. Their mission is to enrich people’s lives through learning and performing beautiful choral music, and to nurture and celebrate the community they create together.
  • There’s Still Hope (Transfaith)
  • Transforming Hearts Collective
    • https://www.transformingheartscollective.org/
    • Transforming Hearts Collective is a group of spiritual leaders who are dedicated to creating and supporting spaces where queer and trans folks can access spirituality and healing. 
  • Trinity Place Shelter 
  • Waves Ahead
    • https://wavesahead.org/
    • Waves Ahead meets the needs of older LGBTQIA people and other marginalized groups in Puerto Rico with mental health counseling, educational programming, emergency relief services and more. 
