An Open Letter To My Fellow Christians


Dear Fellow Christians,

Like you, I have been concerned that America’s moral barometer has taken a beating over the years. There are many who feel separation of Church and State is meant to limit the Church’s voice in matters of politics or public life. I disagree. The Church has more to offer than hospitals, schools, food pantries and places of worship.

I know this because I grew up in a church where I was taught that we can make a difference in the world. My family holds many ”traditional values” that some feel are being threatened. My parents are celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 10 days. I am proud of them. Soon, I am headed back to Iowa to be with them. From my family I learned that ALL are welcomed — at our table, at our church and in our lives. I have been on four international missionary trips where I either worked as a teacher or a medical aide. I have taught Sunday school, led worship, washed dishes after some incredible pot-lucks and cleaned church toilets. Yet, I have also been told that I was not welcome to join a church. I have had fellow Christians tell me I should not help lead a Christmas program or teach. I have had to hide who I was so I could take communion. I was a scapegoat for why some left our church for another one. I have felt the sting of marginalization.

Read the whole story at Huffington Post

Image flickr Mike Cargill
