The Spiritual Gifts Belong To All Of Us

Via GoDanRiver

It seems to be open season on gays these days, doesn’t it? It must be an election year. Between the local PFLAG controversy and the national Chick-fil-A Customer Appreciation Day — which was well attended locally — social conservatives are seizing the opportunity to express their disapproval of homosexuality in ways new and old. And, as always, their reasons are a desire to protect certain values: “traditional American culture,” the virtues of consumerist capitalism and — of course — Christianity. I want to focus on the latter today.

My life and my experiences stand directly in opposition to those who cite the Bible as a means of justifying their bigotry against LGBT people. I am a gay Christian. My salvation speaks for itself, radiating into the lives of those with whom I come into contact.

I should address the biblical matter. Taking as granted that the Bible is divinely inspired, we must nevertheless acknowledge the historical reality that the Holy Book in its current form was compiled and edited by fallible human hands. When we then account for the numerous translations and the cultural differences that further distance modern Christians from the original meaning of the texts, it becomes undeniable that there is much room for interpretation — and little space for self-righteous absolutism. Many biblical scholars have raised serious doubts about the commonly accepted dogma that the Bible prohibits homosexuality. I encourage every reader to research both sides of this argument, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Read the whole story at GoDanRiver

Image Flickr Klearchos Kapoutsis
