Being Christian And Welcoming


In light of Chick-Fil-A COO Dan Cathy’s statement that his opposition to marriage equality is rooted in his belief in the “biblical definition of the family unit,” GLAAD would like to point to the many Christians who understand that the “biblical” definition of family is not limited to husband, wife, and children, and who support marriage equality for all couples, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Many Christian denominations welcome LGBT families. Just last month, the Episcopal Church voted to allow priests to conduct blessing ceremonies for gay and lesbian couples, which may be part of a wedding ceremony depending on state law. While the Presbyterian (PCUSA), Methodist (UMC), and Lutheran (ELCA) churches in the United States do not yet officially support marriage equality, Presbyterians and Lutherans welcome LGBT pastors to ordination and LGBT individuals and families are welcomed into their churches. Individual pastors and parishioners from each tradition are supportive and have created welcoming and affirming ministries that have had a huge impact. Even Roman Catholics, whose Church Hierarchy has spoken out repeatedly against equality for LGBT people, are overwhelmingly supportive of both LGBT inclusion and of marriage equality.

Read the whole story at GLAAD

Image courtesy of GLAAD

