General Assembly Committee Approves Marriage Equality Amendment

By More Light Presbyterians

Pittsburgh, PA: A historic moment happened last night in the Civil Union and Marriage Committee at the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The General Assembly Committee approved a marriage equality overture.

The Civil Union and Marriage Committee passed overture 13-04 to amend W-4.9001, the Directory of Worship to change the definition of marriage from a “man and a woman” to “two persons” by 28 to 24. The Directory of Worship is part of our Book of Order, the PCUSA’s Constitution. The committee also passed legislation calling on the PCUSA to study the meaning of Christian marriage .

“We give thanks to God for the thoughtful discussion and prayerful discernment that led to this historic decision. This is the first big step toward marriage equality in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Surely as the prophet Isaiah said, ‘God is doing a new thing in our midst.’ As a gay man baptized, confirmed and ordained in this Church, this moment recognizing same gender loving people in both church and society feels like we are stepping on holy ground.” said Michael J. Adee, Executive Director, More Light Presbyterians.

The next step for this marriage equality amendment is for it to be presented by the Civil Union and Marriage Committee to the entire Assembly. Discussion and voting on this amendment will be announced on the General Assembly Docket once all committee work is completed today.

The important attempt to resolve the pastoral crisis now for Presbyterian ministers serving in states where same-sex marriage is legal failed in committee by the narrow margin of 24 to 26. Overture 13-05 would have called for an Authoritative Interpretation which would have allowed Presbyterians ministers to perform same-sex marriages in states where they are legal.

“As as Presbyterian minister, I look forward to the day when I can offer pastoral care to all persons within the congregation I serve and in my community. Counseling and supporting couples in matters of love, commitment, faithfulness and marriage is a significant part of pastoral care. This is true for the same gender loving couples God sends my way along with heterosexual couples. My deep hope and prayer is that the Presbyterian Church (USA) will be on the right side of history and keep standing on the side of love,” said Rev. Heidi Peterson, pastor, Central Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Missouri and Co-Moderator, More Light Presbyterians.

Learn more about More Light Presbyterians

Image courtesy of More Light Presbyterians
