Why Do You Have Pride?

June is LGBT Pride Month and Believe Out Loud wants to hear from you!  Let us know why you have Pride and how you plan to celebrate by clicking here.  Some of the BOL community have already begun to share their stories, why don’t you be next?   

“I am one of the “STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW” group. I would love to wear my BOL tee shirt and march with you on Fifth Avenue, in NYC; but I live in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Some of my More….best friends have been and are Gay, Lesbian and Transgender. That community was instrumental in saving the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, CA. (Read HURT, JOY & THE GRACE OF GOD, by Jane O. Lamb). Why should I not be proud of my friends and their accomplishments? Why should I not believe they are Children of God, worthy of ALL the Sacraments? How could I honestly not be any other way and live with my conscience?”  Elizabeth Ann, CA

“Jesus said we must love the Lord with our “whole soul,” so if I live my life in denial of my soul, ignoring who I am, than I cannot love God. Its not about “pride” in the sense of arrogance; Pride for More….me is acknowledging my own dignity, and that I, and you, and every one of us, is a child of God and therefore we have a right to exist and a right to be free. I have Pride because I have been shown how beautiful I am, and how beautiful we all are. How can I not dance in the street?”  Gregory, WV

“I have Pride because I have been a homosexual man my whole life and I am engaged to the man of my dreams. He is my soul mate and I love him more then anything” Eric, IA

We wish everyone a safe and happy Pride!

Image Flickr Hey Paul Studios

