Help Us End Discrimination Against LGBTQ People In Ohio

This month, Believe Out Loud will join with people of faith from across the state of Ohio to help end discrimination against LGBTQ people! Register today to join us in Akron, Ohio, from September 26 – September 28 for a leadership training for people of faith working to end discrimination:

A Leadership Training for All People of Faith

When: Friday, October 24 —
Saturday, October 25
Where: Fairlawn West UCC, Akron, Ohio

Register today!

Ohio’s state legislature will be considering a vote on statewide protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) people in the workplace, housing, and public accommodations. This training will prepare over 200 people of faith to make a bold impact within their congregations for LGBTQ justice; to educate people about the harms caused to LGBTQ people by discrimination; and, to ready their congregations, lay leaders and clergy to build relationships with legislators around Ohio.

Sponsoring faith organizations include: the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Institute for Welcoming Resources, Believe Out Loud, Integrity USA, More Light Presbyterians, Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ, Reconciling Works: Lutherans for Full Participation, Reconciling Ministries Network, Equality Ohio Education Fund, and the Ohio Faith Council.

Training Topics

Trainings will be for people at the beginning of their welcoming journey and for those who have been on the path for a while. These include:

  • Why is Transgender Justice Key to an LGBTQ Welcoming Movement of Faith?
  • How Can We Increase Our Skills and Knowledge About Transgender People’s Needs in our congregations and in public life to become the best ally we can be?
  • Understand and use Conversations with People You Know to lift up listening as a spiritual practice within individual conversations and learn how people you know feel about LGBTQ inclusion.
  • Learn how to be a congregational leader and effectively develop teams of people to advance LGBTQ justice through strategic key activities including: educational conversations, visibility, letter-writing to legislators, letters to the editor, relationship building with questioning legislators and non-welcoming people of faith.
  • Clergy facilitation includes media training, writing op eds, sermons about the harms caused to LGBTQ people and the need for redress and visibility.
  • From Idea to Event: Clear and effective action steps planning, including inspiring invitations.
  • The Ohio Faith Council and the Equality Ohio Education Fund Faith Organizer will deliver a campaign update on the work toward a statewide non-discrimination law.

Logistics and registration

  • Register today!
  • Our training site is Fairlawn West United Church of Christ, 2095 West Market Street, Akron, OH  44313
  • Meals provided: Friday dinner, Sat & Sun cold breakfasts and lunches
  • Materials include a participator list, all training materials and a next steps work plan template
  • Training fee is $100.00. Scholarships are available and we encourage you to request one: Request a Scholarship
  • Gas stipends will be offered for people who request them.
  • Our preferred hotel is the Holiday Inn, 4073 Medina Rd, Akron, OH  44333. The hotel is 7-10 minutes away from the training. Call Tami Mahoney, 330.666.4422 to make a reservation.
  • Limited community housing will be offered, so please request that on the registration form.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, phone or text Kathleen Campisano, 202.577.3139; [email protected].

Photo via Trinity Episcopal Church in Cleveland, OH
