‘Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner’ Not Enough

By Rev. William E. Flippin, Jr.,Huffington Post

The above statement has been used by many faiths in describing their position on homosexuality, yet affirming unconditional love for all.

The recent suicide of Tyler Clementi, a gifted teen with untapped potential, displays in center stage the close mindedness and harm caused by religious teachings’ bias and intimidation toward gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender individuals, especially youth and families. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stated before some 4,000 delegates at last year’s Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting that he believes homosexuality is one of the worst sins imaginable. Can you imagine how a young man or woman may feel in discovering their sexuality have certain churches condemn same-sex sexual orientation? So many kids fear they will be separated from their parents’ love if they divulge a same-sex sexual orientation because they know what their parents have been taught in church. Worse, consider the emotional and spiritual trauma of being made to feel your sexual orientation also will separate you from God-knowing as a young person that your relationship with God means to your parents. Of course the social stigma and hostility that is promoted toward gay and lesbian individuals is not confined to Southern Baptist churches and other evangelical churches. While their numbers are decreasing, there sadly are Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran ministers who continue to teach that homosexuality in and itself places the gay and lesbian person beyond God’s love.

Read the whole story at Huffington Post

Image Flickr samgranleese
