Jesus Loves Gay People

By Sean Brennan

They say a good headline and photo will help pull in your readers, get them interested.  So why not start with the main message right from the start: Jesus loves the gays!  How do I know this?  Well besides the obvious–that He loves everyone–it seems to me that minorities like gay people have a special place in Jesus’ heart.  Yes, right there in the sacred heart of Jesus is a special place for me and my fellow homosexuals.

Now I’m no theologian, but I’ve read my bible cover to cover several times, have my bachelor’s degree in theology from Manhattan College, and lived as a monk for four years.  Does any of this make me an expert?  No.  But neither are most loudmouths you’ll hear on this topic either.  And I can tell you with every fiber of my being that Jesus Christ Himself was and is gay friendly.

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