“Any Day Now” Hits Theaters

Any Day Now, a new film about the struggles of a gay couple to adopt, opened in select theaters on Friday, December 14.

Winner of 10 Audience Awards at film festivals, Any Day Now is a powerful tale of love, acceptance and family. When a teenager with Down syndrome (Isaac Leyva) is abandoned by his mother, a gay couple (Alan Cumming and Garret Dillahunt) takes him in and becomes the loving family he’s never had. But when their unconventional living arrangement is discovered by authorities, the men are forced to fight a biased legal system to save the life of the child they have come to love as their own. Inspired by a true story from the late 1970s, Any Day Now touches on legal and social issues that are as relevant today as they were 35 years ago.

Believe Out Loud blogger Becky Garrison caught the film at 2012 Tribeca Film Festival earlier this year. Describing the experience as a “historical time warp,” Garrison notes that the film pushes beyond politicized debates to highlight the love that gay families can offer:

“Those of us pushing marriage equality aren’t just talking about the politics of gay rights. We’re also speaking the language of love, a language that cannot discriminate when spoken from the heart. Every child should have the right to the kind of a home that Paul and Rudy provided to a child that no one else wanted. Simply put, how many more Marcos can we sacrifice before we agree that Any Day Now is today?”

In most states, whether gay adoption is legal is made on a case by case basis by a judge. Sixteen states definitely allow joint gay adoptions, but the process for couples in other states is complicated and often expensive. Check out the Adoption Options Overview provided by the Human Rights Campaign for more information on LGBT parent adoptions across the country.

Visit the Any Day Now website to find this movie in a theater near you.
