SCOTUS decision undermines freedom for all Americans

July 8, 2023 The decision by the conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court last week in favor of an evangelical website designer seeking legal sanction to discriminate against same-sex couples by refusing to create wedding websites for them undermines freedom and equality for all Americans. The decision is especially a travesty for people of…

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It is the glory of god to raise up those who are brought low.

by Jonathon McClellan Could it be that within the death and resurrection of Christ, was one final parable being left behind for His people to discover? Jesus often used Earthly stories to teach Heaven’s wisdom. He said, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But…

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Download the Believe Out Loud App!

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by The Believe Out Loud Team God loves all LGBTQ+ people. With the Believe Out Loud app, you will have access to blogs, spiritual reflections, research studies, affirming theology, worship resources and more – all created to support queer people in embracing all aspects of their identity and achieving spiritual wholeness, well-being and self-empowerment. We…

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How to Make a Moment Last Forever

A woman using a laptop with a picture of a house on it.

By Jonathon McClellan Ever wonder why “time flies” when you’re having fun, but conversely, losing a loved one can feel like the longest moment of your entire life? My heart anguishes for the families and friends of the Uvalde, Texas elementary school shooting who, I assume, are all experiencing the longest moment of their entire…

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The Greatest Power

A rainbow flag waving in the wind against a blue sky.

By Jonathon McClellan The greatest gift God ever gave humankind was love in its many expressions, and the capacity to give and receive love is the richest fulfillment for us. We may not always have felt this way, for many of us were miseducated into believing that our love was shameful. Yet, despite this, the…

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Happy Pride

A rainbow with the words happy pride on it.

By Jonathon McClellan After creation was made, God saw that it was good. And considering that queerness has been observed in creation since the beginning, we know that we too, are good in God’s eyes. No mistakes were made. Yes, we are fabulous beings and things are as God intended. This Pride, let us rejoice,…

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LGBTQIA Mental Health Resources

Lgbtqia mental health resources.

LGBTQIA mental health matters. If you are struggling, please know you are never alone and you are loved. If you need immediate help, please call the Trans Lifeline at (877) 565-8860. Here are some of our favorite resources made for folks in the LGBTQIA community: COUNSELING EDUCATION COMMUNITY:

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Black History Month Resource List

A black history month logo on a red background.

February has been recognized as Black History Month in the United States since 1925. Since its inception, this yearly celebration has provided the people of the United States and the world with an opportunity to honor the gifts, accomplishments and contributions African Americans have made to American society and to civilization at large. In honoring…

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Believe Out Loud Digital Worship Services

World aids day poster.

Believe Out Loud is proud to provide free access to our LGBT-affirming digital worship services. Click below to access! Believe Out Loud and Cathedral of Hope World AIDS Day Service Originally broadcast December 1st, 2021. Features contributions from an LGBT dancer, LGBT clergy, and Cathedral of Hope music department and clergy. Participating LGBT clergy included: Pastor…

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