American Baptist

Empty church pews with a cross in the background.

Why This Queer Baptist Wants Religious Freedom, Too

By pwsbuilder / February 28, 2019 / Comments Off on Why This Queer Baptist Wants Religious Freedom, Too

Tomorrow is Religious Freedom Day, a day that celebrates the passage of Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Passed in 1786, this piece of legislation. As a queer Baptist, my faith is often trivialized by those who do not believe it is possible to be both queer and Christian.  I also know that my Baptist tradition…

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He Didn’t Know The Kind Of Baptists He Called

By pwsbuilder / September 2, 2016 /

Yesterday, I received a message from someone at the Massachusetts Family Institute asking for my church’s help in repealing the new transgender public accommodations law that Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signed earlier this summer. This law protects transgender people from discrimination in public places, including restrooms. The call followed two days after a letter. The…

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How To Spread The Gospel After Marriage Equality

By pwsbuilder / March 2, 2015 / Comments Off on How To Spread The Gospel After Marriage Equality

A year and a half ago, I was asked by a couple from Alabama to perform their wedding. These two women had been together for 26 years, but never foresaw the opportunity have their state recognize their marriage. They were Sacred Harp singers who were going to come to Minnesota for our September singing convention.…

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How This Baptist Believes Out Loud

By pwsbuilder / October 30, 2014 /

Over the past year, I have had the privilege of spending time with leaders from the American Baptist Churches USA and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. It has been a deep blessing to grow and strengthen relationships with my sisters and brothers in Christ toward the day when all people who claim the Baptist way will…

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