Journey Story

Sunrise over a snow covered field.

Holy Days In Barren Places

By pwsbuilder / December 13, 2013 /

Each Thanksgiving and Christmas during college, I returned to the home of my childhood, the stable-turned-summer-cottage where my parents had begun their family together. My first chore on arriving would be to empty the Tupperware of refrigerated fuzz and discard the rolled oats webbed with meal moth larvae. Edible food was scarce in that house,…

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A man and a woman posing for a photo.

Thank You & My Upcoming Departure

By pwsbuilder / November 21, 2013 /

Today I write to share with you the news that I will bid farewell to Believe Out Loud at the end of this month. Since serving as director in late 2011, I have collaborated and listened to many of you as my team worked hard to find the best ways to curate and share the…

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A blue and gold rosary with a gold cross.

My Queer Catholic Journey

By pwsbuilder / May 31, 2013 /

The three hardest words for me to tell myself were: “I’m a lesbian.” I (along with the millions of other children around my age) was bombarded with the notion of a man and a woman, the prince and the princess. I didn’t even know what it meant to be gay until I was ten years…

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A painting of three people with a cross.

The Queer Jesus Saved My Soul

By pwsbuilder / March 1, 2013 /

Before my feet could touch the ground under the pew of the Southern Baptist church of my youth, I was afraid. Every time the preacher screamed and pointed eternal damnations, I knew he was screaming and pointing at me. Sunday nights were awful. The fears were fresh and pressed deeply into the soft tissue of…

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