Journey Story

A man holding up a sign that says no more names.

Guns Will Not Save Us

By pwsbuilder / November 7, 2017 / Comments Off on Guns Will Not Save Us

I was 14 years old the first time I held a gun. My parents had recently divulged that they owned not one, but two, 9 mm semi-automatic handguns. The thought of guns in my house was scary, even if they were kept in small lock boxes, stashed far in the back of my parent’s closet.…

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Two women holding up a sign that says black queer feminist christian.

Coming Out As A Pansexual Christian: Because They First Loved Me

By pwsbuilder / October 11, 2017 /

Over the last few years, I’ve been deeply engaged in work and research that centers on cultivating space where people of all faiths, sexualities, and gender identities can seek to both know and be known. I’ve seen so many people experience spiritual, systemic, and interpersonal harm and sincerely believe that fostering inclusive, equitable communities can…

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Two women hugging in front of a brick wall.

When Coming Out Costs You Everything

By pwsbuilder / October 11, 2017 /

Ten years ago if someone asked me to predict my future, I would have said that I expected to married with kids, and involved in some sort of Christian ministry. Ironically, that isn’t far from the truth, except that the specific confines of that prediction had a drastically different outcome than I (or any of…

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A man taking a selfie with his arm in a cast.

What I Learned When I Broke My Arm Without Health Insurance

By pwsbuilder / July 28, 2017 / Comments Off on What I Learned When I Broke My Arm Without Health Insurance

As a child, I was desperate to have a cast. At some point in elementary school, my classmates started showing up with brightly colored arms and legs, casted to protect their quietly healing broken bones. I didn’t understand this miraculous process.  All I saw was neon colored plaster to be signed, attention lavished on the…

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Hawaiian hawaiian hawaiian hawaiian hawaiian.

Painting Privilege: Queer Family Goes Tiny in Hawai’i

By pwsbuilder / June 24, 2017 / Comments Off on Painting Privilege: Queer Family Goes Tiny in Hawai’i

Depicted clockwise: Spirit of Maná, Spirit of Aloha, Poli’ahu, Pelé, Hina, NāMaka, Papahānoumoku It started with Pelé, the Hawai’ian Volcano Goddess who governs fire, lightning, volcanoes, and the flow of lava. When my little family set off on a big adventure in June 2015, I knew I’d research and paint her as a Holy Woman Icon.…

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Our bible on a purple background.

For Believers of All Stripes

By pwsbuilder / June 23, 2017 / Comments Off on For Believers of All Stripes

I was 13 and sitting in the basement of my childhood home in the Amish-laden countryside of Pennsylvania. “Crystal, are you a lesbian?” A Twizzler stuck in my throat. What a pointed thing to ask. In my youth, I didn’t quite grasp the magnitude of the question, especially coming from a gaggle of church-schooled teenage…

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A cross hanging from the rearview mirror of a car.

Jesus Shows Up

By pwsbuilder / June 9, 2017 / Comments Off on Jesus Shows Up

“…then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.” –Luke 24:31 Jesus will find us anywhere. As soon as we give him permission, his quest for our hearts is endless. I remember when I first came out as queer—first to myself, next to my first girlfriend and friends, and lastly to family. I never thought…

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Discovering My Asexuality

By pwsbuilder / June 2, 2017 /

When puberty began, I assumed I was like everyone else. They got crushes on people, I got crushes on people. They wanted to hold hands and kiss their crushes, I wanted to hold hands and kiss my crushes. But in high school, I gradually realized that I was not like my friends. When one of…

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A group of people posing for a photo.

Setting Black Mothers Free

By pwsbuilder / May 15, 2017 / Comments Off on Setting Black Mothers Free

As a teenager, I went to youth Bible study on Wednesdays, choir rehearsal on Fridays, and volunteered with the Children’s Ministry on Saturdays. My week, and my network of friends, revolved around social activities in church. We traveled from place to place because safe and loving adults cared to drive us from place to place.…

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A painting of a woman holding a heart.

Painting Our Lady of Sorrows

By pwsbuilder / May 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Painting Our Lady of Sorrows

The month of May finds those within the Christian tradition solidly within Easter season, reveling in the promise of resurrection, while simultaneously celebrating Mother’s Day. To be honest, I’d never seen much of a correlation between these two events in the past. But since my brother’s death in March, I’m viewing everything through the lens…

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