Journey Story

Easter Through The Years: My Trans Resurrection Story

By pwsbuilder / April 16, 2017 /

Growing up in an evangelical Christian home, my family was invested in maintaining certain Judeo-Christian holiday traditions. Easter Sunday was no exception; it was a day rooted in chocolate pastels, family dinner, and most notably for me: new accessories. Regardless of my gender assigned at birth, I’ve always loved accessories.  I went through a time…

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A group of people holding a sign that says trans up front.

Growing Up Trans—Without Male Privilege

By pwsbuilder / April 5, 2017 /

Trigger warning: discussion of suicide Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s comments about her understanding of what “transness” is set off a firestorm last month. In an interview, she said trans women live in the world with “privileges that the world accords to men” prior to transition. I’m not sure if Ms. Adichie made these statements based on…

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A cactus with white flowers in the desert.

Internalized Resilience—Embracing Thrivingness

By pwsbuilder / March 31, 2017 / Comments Off on Internalized Resilience—Embracing Thrivingness

I am not oppressed, I am not a victim—I thrive, I rise, I am. A few months ago, I participated at an organization’s Board of Directors meeting. It was an intense gathering where we were all challenged to stretch beyond our comfort zones and look at how each of us participates in anti-oppression work and in…

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Refugees welcome black lives matter window decal.

Art As Resistance In Uncertain Times

By pwsbuilder / January 27, 2017 /

“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal. I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to…

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Four people posing for a picture in a field.

A Mormon Father’s Journey To Affirm His Gay Sons

By pwsbuilder / January 23, 2017 /

There is, perhaps, no stronger feeling of love than the love a parent feels for his or her newborn child. As the child grows into their own unique self, inevitably pushing against the protective bounds the parent has set, that love is often put to the test. But there is nothing quite like the unconditional…

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A silhouette of a woman in the woods.

Reporting Sexual Assault, As A Queer Woman

By pwsbuilder / January 20, 2017 /

Trigger warning: discussion of sexual assault, violence The incoming President of the United States has an awful history in regards to the sacred feminine. As Christians, we cannot always control the broader cultural climate (try as we will, and try as we must), but I encourage us to remember that whenever we move into and…

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A painting of a mermaid holding a heart.

Painting Lilith, Queering Lilith

By pwsbuilder / January 5, 2017 /

Lilith has been a misunderstood, appropriated, and redeemed woman throughout the ages. Many feminists claim her as an empowering figure in Jewish mythology, with contemporary artists such as Sarah McLachlan, who created the all-women music tour, “Lilith Fair,” reclaiming her story. Some queer scholars have surmised that Lilith had a romantic relationship with Eve.  Others…

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A woman taking a selfie.

To Be Known: My Journey To Standing Rock

By pwsbuilder / January 5, 2017 /

My entire life has been an exercise in chasing after the fulfillment of being known. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela but have lived in the Latin diaspora since I was 3 years old. I have never returned home. I do not know my people, my language, or my birth family. I’m exhausted from chasing…

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A little girl holding a sparkler in front of a body of water.

Unafraid to Follow Stars

By pwsbuilder / December 21, 2016 / Comments Off on Unafraid to Follow Stars

Tis the season! Those of us in ministry have spent this Advent rallying our minds, hearts, and spirits to find celebratory tones of hope. I fear that much like our march towards resurrection, without wanting to look at the harsh and ugly realities of state and religious violence that took Jesus to the cross, we…

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A group of people holding up flags in a city.

Let The Questions Lead You To Justice

By pwsbuilder / December 13, 2016 / Comments Off on Let The Questions Lead You To Justice

In the wee hours of November 9th, Donald J. Trump became the presumed winner of the Presidential Election. This is an effort that many worked hard to prevent. Many volunteered, canvassed, and even prayed to stop him from making it to the Oval Office. These people understood that the world would be a far more…

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